Benny Shendo, Jr. for U.S. Congress -- Benny Shendo, Jr. for ALL of us!
Benny Shendo, Jr. is the only candidate in New Mexico's 3rd Congressional District with actual experience in creating schools, green jobs and clean, renewable energy.
Benny Shendo, Jr. on WHY HE'S RUNNING:
"If we are going to get our country back on track, we need more than just a progressive Democrat in the White House. We need a progressive Congress as well.
Northern New Mexico deserves a strong voice in Washington that speaks for all of us, not just the wealthy and the well-connected few. That's why I'm running."
Benny Shendo, Jr. on HIS VALUES:
"I was born and raised in Jemez Pueblo with the values that come from our people having lived sustainably for generations with respect for the land, the waters, the air, the plants and animals that share this world with us, respect for our family, especially the wisdom of our elders (our grandmothers and grandfathers), respect for our neighbors, our communities and respect for differences among all people. This is what I am made of. This is who I am."
About Benny Shendo, Jr.
Benny Shendo, Jr. is a lifelong progressive Democrat -- not a recent "convert" to a popular trend. He is known throughout New Mexico as a principled leader who brings people together with respect to create real, lasting solutions and to get things done.
Benny Shendo, Jr. doesn't just claim to be "green." His people have been practicing sustainability by living in harmony with the land for centuries. It's in his blood to preserve what is uniquely special about northern New Mexico, while moving us forward to a prosperous future based on clean, renewable energy and technologies. Also, he is the only candidate who has actually done something about creating a new economy based on clean, renewable energy by funding experimental, high-tech solar projects and representing New Mexico at the First Annual National Green Jobs Conference this year.
Benny Shendo, Jr. is the only candidate who has significant experience working with EVERY segment of New Mexico's diverse demographic – Native American, Hispanic, White, African-American, Asian. And he is the only candidate who has senior leadership experience working at all levels of government – community, state and national, as well as international.
Benny Shendo, Jr. is the only candidate with State of New Mexico Cabinet-level experience in education, healthcare, infrastructure building, natural resources allocation, environmental preservation and economic development.
He is the only candidate in the 3rd Congressional District race qualified to represent all of us here in northern New Mexico.
Please visit our official campaign website to find out about Benny Shendo, Jr's specific positions on the challenges that face us today, as well as learn more about his qualifications, educational background and professional history.