Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Benny Meets with Global Warming Expert Bill McKibben

Benny Shendo, Jr. conferred with author/activist Bill McKibben today at a workshop on fighting the global climate crisis given at UNM in Albuquerque. McKibben is known for his book, THE END OF NATURE -- published in 1989 and widely considered to be the first book for general readership about the pending global climate crisis -- and for organizing the largest public demonstration to date to fight global warming with hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating in every state across the country in the Fall of 2007. He and Benny discussed the importance of New Mexico in the worldwide push to create a new economy based on clean, sustainable energy such as solar, wind, geo-thermal and other renewables, for our national security, for jobs, and for a healthier future for our children, ourselves and our planet.