Benny Shendo, Jr. met with New Mexico motion picture production workers today on the set of the Toby Keith movie that's shooting south of Santa Fe.
Benny explained that his interest in the movies is more than just as a fan, "Film production is a significant contributor to the economy of our state, not just with the jobs and on-location expenditures of each major motion picture that shoots here, but by sharing our spectacular landscapes with the rest of the world. Through the power of movies, our tourism industry is enhanced as well."
Shendo added, "Provided it is done properly, with respect for our sensitive environment and for the diverse cultures of the people who make their homes here, film production is a welcome part of our world-renowned artistic and cultural community."
New Mexico has been host to the production of many noteworthy movies over the years, including the 2008 Academy Award Winner for Best Picture, "No Country for Old Men."