Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shendo Signs Hit the Street!!!

Large "Benny Shendo, Jr. FOR ALL OF US" signs have been springing up along roadsides in northern New Mexico for the past few weeks and the smaller "yard" signs will be distributed this week!

"Since candidate signs have a way of 'disappearing' we're putting up our signs in a strategic manner coordinated with campaign actions," explained campaign manager, Todd Doherty (pictured at left). "We started with the large 4 foot by 8 foot road signs along the route of the first leg of the "Running with Benny" run that we did last week throughout northwestern New Mexico. Next the big signs will go up in the northeastern side of the 3rd Congressional District. Then we'll hit the population centers like Santa Fe."

It's time to show your support! Call the campaign office at (505) 867-9150 or email info@BennyShendoJr.com to get signs for your yard (and bumper stickers for your car)!