The "Talking Circles" conducted in homes and meeting venues throughout northern New Mexico in the past several weeks have been a great success. Hosts enjoy having Benny visit with their guests and then sit down for a Native American tradition of respectful discussion about the issues. Several more are being scheduled for the coming weeks (see below to host or attend one!).
"The circle represents how we are all interconnected," explains campaign manager, Todd Doherty, (pictured at left introducing the Talking Circle concept at a recent Santa Fe event) "and it helps foster more actual discussion."
The typical political event has the candidate talking to the people. A talking circle is the opposite. The people do most of the talking, about their hopes, dreams and concerns for the future and what they would like to see as priorities in Washington, while Benny listens. Then there's plenty of opportunity for Benny to answer questions.
"I certainly have my ideas, and I'm not shy about telling people where I stand on the issues," adds Benny. "But the job of our Congressperson is to be our representative. That job, as I see it, really requires first listening, then having the backbone to do what's right. Too many politicians forget that the Maker gave us two ears and only one mouth. Me, I really enjoy hearing what people have to say."
Sign up now to host or attend a Benny Shendo, Jr. "Talking Circle" in your community. Call us at (505) 867-9150 or email: