Sunday, May 11, 2008

Benny Shendo, Jr. Opens Mother's Day Peace Rally in Santa Fe

Benny Shendo, Jr. conducted the invocation to open the ceremonies for the Mother's Day Peace Rally today on the Plaza in Santa Fe.

After a brief opening prayer in his native Towa language about peace for all people of the world, Benny made a few remarks about how the way of indigenous peoples is perhaps more of what the Eurocentric dominant culture is looking for as a way to find peace and sustainable living, after centuries of unbridled growth through conquest, which has now delivered us all to the brink of a global climate and economic crisis that Benny described as "posing the gravest threat of any generation to the future of our children."

Benny then mingled with community members and fellow activists, discussing how we can bring about world peace through economic and environmental justice and human rights for all people.